Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week 8

What a difference a week makes.  Not that things are super different but it's noticeable.  Especially while sitting here typing this.  Weeks ago I had my brightness down, font magnified, and I had to STAND and look down just to type a few words then look away.  Oh the agony I had in my poor eyes.  It was such a depressing, helpless feeling to not be able to see.

I'm down to one drop in each eye of prednisolone (steroid) a day (since Thursday) and am currently using the beta blocker drop to prevent my eye pressure from going up.  I haven't noticed any side effects from the beta blocker drops yet.  Maybe that my right eye feels dryer.  I have been very tired lately however, I still wake up at least once a night and I have a lot on my mind.

I often get asked if I regret doing the surgery.  I still answer that I am not sure, that I need more time.  I will say that since going down to steroids once a day that things aren't as blurry, especially in the morning since I stopped using them at night.  I am doing pretty good light sensitivity wise being on only one drop in each eye.  We had snow and a pretty sunny day today and I could handle it with only wincing a little, which I would have prior to surgery just the same.  I was able to make it through an entire church service without using re-wetting drops and no pain looking up at our Pastor under the lights.  I am still seeing double (ghosted) images though and that is a little bit stressful because it is not going away.  It only fluctuates in my left eye, and my right eye seems to be pretty much the same type of angle of ghosting.  I am a little nervous about a touch up but I'm only 2 months post-op.  I have four good months of continuous healing before I should make a solid judgement of what my vision should be.  Right now it's pretty good with the exception of the ghosting/astigmatism. Without that it'd be phenomenal!

I've also started using the bottle Systane drops a few times during the day.  I think that the preservative free gives me clearer vision long term because they are less oily and don't leave a film on my eyes.  I'm trying to gradually switch.  I'm definitely feeling like I need them less.

I'm driving!  I can shop on my own! I can use my PC without eye strain!  I can read my phone by mid-day and although challenging I can still read it.  I do struggle with some reading but that has definitely improved.  I am back volunteering in the school and able to be a part of that again!

This experience has changed me.  I have a new found appreciation for my vision, my health, my life.  I will never take that for granted again.  I had such an overwhelming amount of support from my friends who took me where I needed to be.  Told me I looked great (even if I didn't) and called so I had someone to talk to when I couldn't see my phone. God put those people in my life.  I will always remember those days.   My husband and children have been so patient and supportive.  I am thankful for them each and every day.

I think I'm seeing pretty good.  I have massive halos around all lights, and the star bursting sometimes is minor to major!  My night vision is very poor.  I never have enough light it seems.  I hope this improves because I never lacked any kind of confidence while driving at night.

That's my update for now.  I'll check in again in a week and hopefully I'll see more improvement. :)

I'm editing to add that I finally wore mascara yesterday and touching my eyes aren't bothering me as much now.  What a difference that makes!  Feeling a little more like myself. :)  Also my left eye was twitching a lot yesterday and that's odd for me.  Needed to make note of that.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Week 7

I thought I would update a little bit.

I started Betimol this morning.  That is the eye drop that will help keep my eye pressure from rising any further.  It's only one drop in my right eye in the morning.  I have about 75 days worth of drops to use until I see my doctor.

This upcoming Thursday, I go down to one drop a day on the steroids.  I will continue to use them until I see my doctor in May as well.

I find myself not focusing (pun intended haha) as much on my vision.  I'm tired of thinking about it and just being patient.  I do get asked a lot, "How are your eyes?" and sometimes I need to stop and think about how they are.  I am definitely using less re-wetting drops, but I will use them more often when using computer work or trying to focus on my phone.  The phone has been hard for me since the font is so small and there's no way of increasing it.  I have found myself not using my texting as much due to the eye strain it's causing me.   At least with my PC I can increase/decrease the font to suit my needs.

The light sensitivity is still getting better.  I'm curious to see how that will do going down to one steroid drop a day next week. 

The ghosting remains.  Sometimes it's not bad in my left eye, other times it is.  My right eye is by far the worse of the two and I am really thinking that I may need a touch up eventually.  I'm going to push it to 6 months before I make a decision (that is if my doctor suggests doing so).

Monday, February 13, 2012

Week 6

Okay so I'm in my 6th week now of recovery and my vision is a roller coaster.  I am finding that my right eye is definitely clearing up a bit but the ghosting double vision remains making things far away blurry.
This is what normal vision looks like:
And this is what my vision looks like and has looked like since day one:
 The problem with the ghosting is that I see it in multiple areas giving me sometimes triple vision.  It's frustrating but somehow I'm functioning with it. 

I saw my surgeon on Thursday and he is concerned with the slow progress of my right eye along with the astigmatism.  The lady tech (who I do not care for her bedside manner much) said that my ghosting was due to dry eye.  The surgeon also is putting me on a pressure drop and told me that it's to promote healing.  I called back and this was not the case. (I am starting this drop tomorrow morning since it wasn't available at the pharmacy...I wonder how much this one is going to cost?)  It was more for eye pressure control since I'm staying on the steroids for 3 more months.  If things do not get better, he said I would probably need eye plugs and he would need to bill my insurance.  I guess he doesn't care to ask if I have a deductible and no idea that his "plug" plan is going to come out of my pocket.  If that doesn't help I may need a touch up he said.  I don't think I want to go through this again.  Maybe in my right eye.  I need one good eye to function.  This surgery is getting costly in many ways.

Other than those set backs, I'm seeing 20/20 in my left eye and 20/30 in my right eye with both improving from last week.  It's a squinty 20/25 but I'm definitely seeing a visual improvement.  

Driving is interesting. I can do local driving since I know the road laws, where streets are etc.  I have not driven very much at night and try not to since my depth perception is a bit off and it's hard to see well with my brights off.  Oncoming headlights aren't too difficult to deal with and it seems like the star bursting varies day to day.  Halos are still there in both eyes.  

I am able to read my Kindle, watch TV, use my PC like I was able to before surgery (with the TV and PC being more due to the light sensitivity).  I haven't been able to read my cellphone very well though for several days now and instead of straining and squinting, I do the best I can.  (I guess if people want to get a hold of me they will make a good old fashioned phone call right? :) )I don't get eye strain very much but I do have to remind myself to blink and I add drops in my eyes every 30 minutes or so now.  I can go an hour or so longer without noticing dryness but I try not going any longer.  If I wake up in the middle of the night, I do put drops in.  I can tell my eyes are dry, but they aren't painfully dry.

So all in all, I'm functioning a lot better and able to do things independently.  :)  It can get frustrating however when people seemed so shocked that my eyes aren't better or that my recovery is rough.  I try explaining to them that I had LASEK (simillar to PRK) and not LASIK.  They are two different surgeries to achieve the same result. And then I get, "Well why didn't you go for the easier recovery?" Etc., So now if anyone asks how my eyes are doing, I smile and say pretty good thanks!  I'm tired of explaining it lol.  Knowledge is power, and it makes me bananas when someone thinks that they know so much about something because their friend had it done, or they had it done and were just fine.  Bozos... LOL

Monday, February 6, 2012

Week 5

I'm in my 5th week of recovery with this upcoming Thursday marking the milestone.  Hmm not really a milestone because this has been the longest month of my life it seems, but things have definitely changed.

I stopped the steroid drops last Wednesday night and Thursday morning wasn't too bad.  Thursday night was even tolerable with the exception of headlights being too bright ( I was again a passenger).  Friday morning however I woke up with a lot of light sensitivity.  Probably the most I'd had in about a week.  I also found myself rewetting my eyes more with drops than I had previous days and my eyes felt gritty and irritated.  As the day went on the sensitivity continued.  I couldn't drive so my husband ran me around for errands (so glad he came home for the afternoon!).  I called my doctor's office and explained that I was having the sensitivity again after being off of the drops for 2 days.  At first she said I had to be seen by them before I could go back on them, and when I griped to her that I refused to go all weekend again with the sensitivity and that I had an appointment on the 5th, she said it was fine to use them until then.  I did the drops that afternoon and not long after, my eyes felt better.  Something has to give!  I know that being on these drops is not good for my eyes.

This past weekend was pretty good vision wise.  Saturday we went bowling with glo-bowl and my eyes were loving how dark it was.  I could not see the score board very well and instead of 10 pins there were 30  We later went to a hotel with friends so our children could swim.  I tolerated the chlorine vapors for a long time and by the end of the night, my eyes were super great at a medium distance. I drove for the first time at night and it went very well.  I am definitely going to have to stay local until my eyes are stable.  Long distance vision is blurry right now and I cannot read any signs until the are right up near my car.

This morning my eyes were a little bit light sensitive while driving to go exercise.  I'm thinking I didn't give them enough time to adjust (thank you snooze button) and they hadn't "booted" up yet.  I am reading on other sites and blogs that a lot of people who are going through this process say their eyes worsen throughout the day, mine actually improve.  This could totally be due to the daylight as well.

The ghosting is awful.  I see everything triple when it comes to small things.  It's very frustrating and I wish it would go away.  My left eye isn't as ghosted this morning but my right one is still very bad.  My right eye is also a little sharper.  The right eye has also been experiencing the light sensitivity more the past couple of days.  The right eye was my higher prescription eye, where my left eye required a lot more scraping of the eye due to scar tissue.  I'm going to ask about this at my appointment Thursday.

We invested in a good pair of sunglasses for me, Maui Jim's.  Where it's eating me alive the cost of them, they are by far the best pair of sunglasses I have ever worn.  I keep coming across other polarized glasses and none of them hold a candle to these.  My only complaints are that they were heavy initially (I guess my face adjusted and they aren't heavy anymore) and that they don't stay on top of my head very well, which is where my sunglasses have gone for years.  I can have them adjusted so I might take them in to fiddle around with it.  If you are going to get this surgery done, get a good pair of sunglasses.  They make all the difference in the world.  Also maybe purchase them before hand so you know what you look like in then!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 24

Okay so I've decided I'm not going to post every day since I am past the three week mark. Friday I had some sensitivity in the morning and felt pretty discouraged as the day went on. I did get out with a girlfriend and did a little shopping. It was hard to read items and I kept switching between using my sunglasses indoors and not. We had some snow arrive but luckily in the morning. It was overcast. By the time we got home the sun peeked out and I had a raging headache. I layed down for a little until the kids got home from school.

My son had his school's variety show that evening and I still was struggling with sensitivity and a headache. The ghosting and blurriness was pretty bad and it was like watching a giant tv screen. We have been going to these shows for about 8 years now and I was a little let down that I wasn't enjoying like I usually do.

Saturday we stayed in all day. I made dinner for a friend of mine who has been driving me to my night classes and to shop if I need to. She's also been a good sounding board since we are taking the same journey together. We all stayed in our Pjs all day, had a nap in the afternoon and stayed up late watching tv. My eyes were sensitive in the morning but seemed to get better light sensitivity wise as the day went on. I was tolerating light pretty well by the e d of the night. I then made dinner again for another friend who has been picking me up in the mornings to take to church with me the next morning.

I woke up this morning feeling the sensitivity however it was snowing and really cloudy. I felt optimistic that I would be able to drive to church, which I did. It wasn't too bad with my eyes slightly closing. I am finding that the heat vents really irritate my eyes. Service was pretty good although I still have issues with contrast lighting and anything lit up really bothers me. I did do okay reading the words up on the screen during music and once all of the lights were on I didn't need my sunglasses. Vision wise I have noticed that my right eye I'd slowly improving. The ghosting is pretty annoying and that can mead to eye strain sometimes. It's pretty blurry distance wise and I would not be able to drive using just that eye. If I were to guess I'd say it's 20/80. My left eye is doing really well and sometimes I see better out of it than I did with glasses or contacts. I'd say 20/20 maybe. We went to a store today and I was able to not wear my sunglasses the entire time and everything was pretty sharp with lots of clarity. I was really enjoying that. We were in a craft store so the colors were very vibrant and pleasant being I have had things dim for a long time. I really enjoyed this new type of vision, even if it was just for those 30 minutes. I think I'm slowly getting past the sensitivity.

Dryness wise today, I've needed to use less drops than usual and my eyes only felt dry in the car or if I sat at pc for too long, and I mean only 10 minutes! I am slowly doing things more a little more each time. I am still getting a ride tomorrow morning just in case the sensitivity is bad. I never know what to expect when I wake up. Tuesday is my target driving myself to class day. We shall see.

Hope your weekend was great!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 21 - Three weeks after PRK

Today was interesting...

I woke up to some light sensitivity but less than yesterday. It's such a smidgen of a change that it still wasn't enough to drive. I noticed also that my right eye sharpened up quite a bit. The massive ghosting is still there along with some double vision. I had a couple of bought of nausea/motion sickness and think this new focusing is contributing to that.

I went to Zumba and the ride wasn't too bad. I even went to the bus stop this morning without sunglasses on at early sunrise. Througout the day I was able to see the tv better, see my face better and use my computer. Wow did my eyebrows need attention! I took care of those and really tried looking at my eyes. I have some pretty dark circles around them. Hubby thinks that.they are from lack of sleep since I'm up several times a night putting drops in my eyes. They've never looked like this so if that doesn't go away I'll ask my doctor.

I'm still on the steroid drops till Wednesday of next week. I think they are helping and each day it seems the inflammation is less and less. I'm also using less rewetting drops today. I can swear by the Systane Uktra in the vials. They are so soothing.

Worked out again to it and was able to keep my glasses off after doing so in the gym and for the ride home. Headlights were super bright but I just looked away.

Reading seems the same, maybe a little blurrier on my cell phone that past few days. I hope that doesn't get worse because my phone does a lot for me!

Hoping today is better too, even if by a little smidgen!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 20

This morning wasn't too bad for light sensitivity indoors so I thought I'd take a shot at driving. Where it wasn't as awful as trying on day 7, it was still very difficult to hold my eyes open long enough to focus. It was a cloudy day and all our snow has melted. I even drove soon after the steroid drops in hope to get out with no inflammation. By the time I got done with my last errand to treat myself to Thai food, I was feeling pretty upset.

So I don't think I'm ready to drive. My vision definitely is not 20/40. It reminds me of when I had to drive without my glasses once when I was 18. Pretty awful experience. Lucky for me I stayed local, know the speed limits, etc.

My vision was pretty blurry today and that really made me tired. I did sleep a little in the afternoon and that helped relax them. I was able to get my son off of the bus instead of sending my older son to get him, and I was greeted with the biggest hug. He was so happy that I could stand out there.

I am still really liking the Systane drops the best and picked up more today on my adventure. I've been taking Vit D to help my mood and flax seed oil 3xs a day, running my humidifier 24/7, eating right, getting enough sleep, staying active and doubled up on my water and Vit C. I'm doing everything I can to help my body heal and this light sensitivity cannot go away fast enough.

Hoping to work out and go to Zumba in the morning. Asking for a ride because driving was very difficult and I am not going to push it. Maybe I'll try driving again Saturday.

Time for steroid drops and hoping tomorrow is a better day. :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 19

I'm a little fussy today because the light sensitivity isnt miraculously gone. I really had to be kidding myself inking it would be gone today. I did four rounds of steroids today, to which each time I used them they did help. After an hour and a half or so, I did notice sensitivity returning. Throughout the day I found myself wearing my sunglasses indoors, not able to see the tv head on, and really wanting to use the drops. Which I didn't until it was time to. I will say that the sensitivity is not as bad as it was prior to the steroids so I am hoping that counts for something. Tomorrow I go down to two drops a day. I hope it helps because getting to each next dose of drops felt like forever.

Distance wise, together, my eyes are working. Close up isn't too bad with my left eye and I was able to read some school papers that my son brought home. I couldn't read small print on my pasta box or see the buttons well on our new house phones that arrived today. My right eye is terrible ghosting (doubled). Sometimes it makes me feel a little dizzy and I find myself squinting it to stop the blurs.

I see big halos around lights at night, head lights are super light sensitive to me, and I also get some starbursting of lights too, kind of like when the light is pulled outward in streaks. I have no idea what night driving will be like. It's been almost 3 weeks since post op and I still cannot take myself places. I'm so frustrated by this and am trying not to pull me down. It's weighing on hubby to have to take care of things that I can't, and I feel helpless because there's nothing I can do to change it. :(. He runs a business and has been pulled home a lot. I have friends picking me up things from the store and taking me to the store. I am feeling terrible for asking for so much.

I can somewhat watch tv with sunglasses on and I can function witn the house. I am even getting out to exercise some days which helps me be around friends and get some happy energy back. My Zumba instructor has been picking me up every morning so I can get out to be active and my wonderful friend (also had prk same day) has been driving in the evenings. I'm not sure how I can thank them for this!

I don't know how I feel about my surgery today. I am tired of thinking, talking, and worrying about my eyes. I really really just need this sensitivity to go away so I can function like I was before. It takes everything in me to not cry nowadays for whatever reason because I find the aftermath of it makes my eyes hurt. Wish me luck tomorrow.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 18


Had my appointment this morning and sure enough I have inflammation and needed a good round of steroids. I'm taking every pred forte every 2 hours for today, every 4 hours tomorrow, and then twice a day for a week. No signs of infection and my eyes are healing very well.

Throughout the day the sensitivity has gotten better and better. I did have sensitivity after Zumba tonight and that could be from eye sweat or the fans that are constantly running. By the time I got in the house I felt pretty good tonight.

Also I tested at 20/40 for my vision. I think it could have been better had they not been inflamed and half open lol. Anyhow, as the day has gone on my vision has sharpened a lot. It's still doubled in the right eye but much better. I also switched my drops to Systane Uktra in the vials. Those are a little more soothing than the Refresh Plus for Sensitive eyes. My reading seems better but mostly because things are crisper probably due to the steroids. My right eye has improved distance wise and my left seems the same.

I'm very hopeful that things are going to get better. The doctor that I saw today told me to come back in if I was still having sensitivity.

I can watch tv now and looking at screens aren't making me wince. I am really curious to what the morning is going to be like. Pretty awesome.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 17 - Post PRK

Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I had a rough sensitivity day so I tried making the most out of it. It was a blinding beautiful sunny snowy day in Michigan...totally not cool for me! However I did get out of the house to see a friend and to the mall to get a good pair of polarized glasses. They are helping with clarity that is for sure. I noticed a slight change in my right eye yesterday, maybe a little sharper where my left got a little more blurry.

My sinuses are a draining crazy mess. It's not a cold but I know it's connected with my eyes. Either from the light sensitivity or someone suggested maybe I have allergies induced from surgery or a sinus infection. I did notice several days ago before this crazy draining started that my cheek bones hurt. I did a round of nasal spray around then before this started. It's been suggested that maybe all I need are cold meds or allergy drops? Hmmm it's definitely got me wondering. It could be coincidental that my allergy/sinus issues started after stopping Lotemax which I was told caused light sensitivity for some people by my doctor.

Typically I don't suffer from allergies, not like this but it somewhat makes sense. My eyelids are swollen and pink and so are my eyes. Curious as to what the doctor has to say. I wonder if he could treat me for a sinus infection to spare me the co-pay and time at my regular doctor. What a nigmare this has been, keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be mending in days!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 15 - Post PRK

Today was the same old hiding in my house day. My reading ability is getting worse and I get pain in my eyes from eyestrain rather quickly now. I cannot watch tv, but I can listen to it at least as well to music. I cannot tolerate my computer whatsoever. My husband announced I had over 400 emails to be filtered through. I made it through 10 from standing up and looking downward but it just wasn't working. My phone is more difficult today to read without squinting. I am now having to wear sunglasses to type on the iPad with the brightness at the lowest setting. Thank goodness I don't have a job that I need to go to, even though my husband has to keep taking time from his business to do my home/parental tasks. My son came home in tears today saying he felt sick at school. I asked him why didn't he call and he said, Well you coukdnt drive to come get me! little does he realize we have emergency people for that and that he has a dad. Sigh. This recovery is really something else.

I called my doctor's office to see what they could do for me and they asked me to come in on Monday morning....sigh. I am not sure how I can go another two days of this. At least it is the weekend and my family is home. I will try to be good company for them. I am in tears daily full of frustration. We do have some snow coming so I'm sure my boys will get outside and enjoy it. :) they still need to be kids and get vitamin D. I'm feeling like a vampire..

My eyes are super dry and gritty feeling today. They seem itchy too and I don't know if it's from changing my drops or from the dryness. I could deal with that as long as this light sensitivity wasnt an issue.

I will never take eyesight for granted ever again. I'm going to have a nice glass of my favorite wine....or the entire bottle..ha!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 14 - Two Weeks Post PRK

Today was a really dry eye day. I was very light sensitive again and my chances of driving were very slim. I'm pretty sure I have Transient Light Sensitivity from my surgery and I wish I knew when it was going to end. I am managing to get around thanks to a supportive husband and wonderful friends.

I think my right eye may be a little better but I'm not too sure. My left eye seems to be a little worse up close because my cell phone is very hard to read. This morning I decided to change over to the Refresh Optive in the bottle. Where my doctor said it was okay to switch rit after my post op appointment, I wanted to go preservative free as long as I could.

I noticed my eyes felt more comfortable and that I could see a little clearer. I rested my eyes mid day and slept around 30 minutes. When waking up, my eyes weren't nearly as dry as using the Refrsh Plus vials.

I pushed two workouts in today and my friends carted me around. I am planning on calling my doctor tomorrow to ask for some prescription drops to help with dryness. My eyes are severely dry like never before and I'm sure this contributes to my kit sensitivity.

I don't plan on driving tomorrow. If I feel any hint that I can do it, I'll run a small errand.

My eyes tire easy, and my nose runs a lot. My sinuses are cranky that is for sure. I wonder what tomorrow will bring?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 13 - Post PRK

I've had an interesting eye day. Not really an "ah-ha" day but some small changes I've noticed today.

My eyes were light sensitive this morning so that cancelled out my driving attempt. I figured I could try to be productive here at home. I wore my sunglasses in the house all morning and frequently used my rewetting drops. (refresh plus preservative free vials). Today was my first day off of Lotimax as well. Around 2 pm my vision seemed a little sharper and somewhat less sensitive to light. I wasn't holding my breath, but it kept on. I decided maybe it was because of the ending of the steroids. I hopped on the iPad and decided to do some Facebooking. This really tired my eyes out so I rested them for about 30 minutes. It seems that whenever I do this, the strain feels better but the dryness triples and the sensitivity to light returns for several hours (probably from dryness). I managed to make dinner and get ready for mt son's cub scout meeting.

Heading out with my shades on at night was pretty funny. As ironic as it is, vanity took no place tonight. I had no make up on, a hat, and sunglasses were my get up this evening. I did this surgery to rid of facial accessories...ho hum.

The lights in the school were pretty darn bright and I left once to pour more drops in my eyes. They were so incredibly grainy and dry. The pie in the face for popcorn reward came and something about the vapors in the shaving cream helped my eyes water. All the sudden my eyes felt good for the next 30 minutes. I left my glasses on the ride home, head lights bothered me but not near as much on the way there WITH sunglasses on (hubby drove). I have lots of halos around kits a the star bursting is slighter than it was Monday night.

I think I need a couple of hours to adjust to any light when waking up. I am hoping that this is my two step forward day.

My right eye is super blurry in all areas. I'm trying not to be too concerned with this because I have a long way to go. My left eye is really getting clear even with some ghosting. I noticed that I could see lines in the tree bark on the tree many feet outside my window. It didn't last long but I saw it for sure.

I cannot read very well, especially with my right eye being fussy. All screens really bother my eyes with the exception if the iPad when I'm it feeling light sensitive.

I prayed today for healing, patience, and strength to get throu upcoming frustrating days ahead. I Have much to be thankful for and I did choose this optional surgery for myself.

Have a great night!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 12 - Post PRK

Last night I went out...definitely halos around the lights and the headlights from other cars really bothered me. Typical for recovery I've read.

This morning I was thankful for melted snow and rain. I still had to wear sunglasses on the way to workout because car headlights still bother me. All light is still bothering me and my ability to see up close is getting worse. I think my left eye is hitting what my right eye did last week and may get worse....who knows! Living my life in blurriest is frustrating. Not being able to drive is frustrating, and not seeing the fine details on anything is beyond frustrating. I really want that "ah ha!" day to arrive. The ghosting of letters has not gotten any better. My left eye also seems gritty and sometimes itchy today.

I'm googling Prk recovery stories and trying to compare notes. I am envious of those who don't have this awful sensitivity to light and can see fairly well.

I understand the process, but I'm super annoyed. At this point in time I am missing my contacts and eye glasses.

Patience schmatience!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 11 - Post PRK

I planned on exercising this morning so when my alarm went off, I was nervous on what the light would bring. The sun was just rising so it was still pretty dark in the house. My bedroom light didn't bother me any less than it would have prior to surgery. As I got ready for my morning workout the house got brighter and my eyes more sensitive. I decided to wait to do Lotemax until after my workout. When my friend picked me up I was definitely sensitive to the sunlight. When arriving in the gym however I could tolerate the lights and I got a full workout and some weights in. This uplifted my spirits!!

Did Lotemax when I got home and my sensitivity nearly doubled. I spoke with my doctor this afternoon and I'm getting sensitivity from the medication as well as from the surgery. Lucky for me I am done with those this week! I have noted a big difference being off of the Besevance (antibiotic) drops as well. I go back on the 9th for my follow up.

Going to move to twice a day for Lotemx until Thursday. She said the goal was 2 weeks post-op to be on the drops. I hope this helps!

My right eye is still blurrier than the left. My vision is cloudy, almost like I have been opening my eyes in a chlorine filled pool all day. It also seems like my vision is underwater too. Where I can see pretty good and function, it's still blurry and very ghost like with image stretching. Much better than a week ago for sure.

I'll post later for a night time update. Heading out tonight and curious to see what being in a car at night is like.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 10- Post PRK


I am going to apologize for any typos that I cannot pick up with Windows here.  I'm attempting to use the laptop since hubby is on the iPad.  I can only seem to nab it from him when he's at work, sleeping, or playing on another gadget in the house.

I managed to get to church today.  Where I didn't get to drive (thanks to the beautiful Michigan sunshine today), I am very glad that I went.  I'm having a pity party for myself today and it was good to be there.

My vision is terrible today, probably the worst it's been thus far.  Both eyes are ghosting on all levels and I see double and sometimes triple of everything.  Time is just inching by and I am feeling really frustrated with my surgery.  I cannot do the things I once loved doing, and now I cannot drive myself places that I need to go.  Temporary or not, it still stinks.  I'm hoping that I can work out tomorrow.  This lack of Vitamin D and exercise is really bringing me down.  I'm annoying my husband and feeling like a super Debbie the Downer.  Sigh.

Nothing happy to report other than getting to church, my fellow PRK recovery friend dropped me off a little pick me up on my porch today, and I'm alive/breathing.  As I was told today, things could be much worse in my life.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 9 - Post PRK

I woke up around 4am and while opening my eyes pulled on my dry eyeball....super ouch. Fumbled around for my eye drops and went back to bed. Hmmm no longer wearing eye glasses but always wearing sun longer fumbling for eye glasses but fumbling for eye drops... I don't think I am caring for the new pattern...

Anyhow, woke up this morning feeling like P sorry couldn't resist. Woke up with a little less sensitivity to light, more so on my right side. Reading is next to awful and my right eye seems blurrier than yesterday. The ghosting of everything is really obnoxious and I am missing reading a good book without straining to see. My brand new Kindle Touch sits there teasing me. My left eye has again improved and sometimes it's better than the right.

Hubby convinces me to go out for the day. I am still not confident with driving so he takes the wheel. We have some snow in Michigan making it fairly bright outside. However with overcast clouds I'm able to tolerate the ride. We get to lunch, I pick a booth away from the windows, yet the lamp above the table still bothers my eyes. I eat with my sun glasses on looking like a hungover mother. I can see the words on the TV above me, but not on my menu. That's okay though because I already know what I want. ;) Lunch all done....check!

We head to the hair place for the boys, and their hairdresser makes a snarky remark about me being cool with my shades. I think I snorted something back but I don't remember what...he's fun anyhow. My son has some dry spot in his head that's pointed out to me, I can barely see it. This bugs me. Haircuts done..check!

Next is grocery shopping and what an experience that was. The lighting wasn't too bad and I was able to plan dinners out in my head, figure ingredients and do a mental checked off of what we needed. My husband and boys were a super big help for this and I'm so thankful for them. I could read some prices and some nutritional values on boxes and bags. I was able to find pretty much everything. I could not read the aisle signs though and my eyes were strained with the aisles that had everything stacked up nice and neat in a row. It was like I was in some strange tunnel in the Twilight Zone. Grocery shopping done...check!

Next hubby decides we should try Walmart to try to find me some quick polarized/uv sun glasses to help me out. I've tried two other local stores and they were a no go. We trollope on in and didn't find much of a selection. I may need to go to the mall. There's a sunglasses place there that I'm sure I'll pay top dollar for a pair (this surgery is getting pretty expensive...). Video games and tooth brushes for the boys....check!

So big day of being out for me. My eyes are super tired and there's one feeling that I cannot get past and that's feeling tired eyes at the end of the day, removing your contacts, dropping in some Blink drops and giving our eyes a good rub. I miss that part.

I'm going to try to drive to church tomorrow. If the light is too much for me I have hubby to drive and friends to cart me around during the week.

Every day is different. I'm hoping for two steps forward tomorrow.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 8-Post PRK

This will be interesting to type because my left eye is ghosting upward and my right eye is ghosting downward.

I feel like my right eye has blurred up close today. Maybe some healing going in. The anti-biotic drops are stinging a little in that eye so something's changing. My left eye has changed quite a bit and is struggling the most with light sensitivity. I wish I could say if my right eye was better in that area but it's still sensitive too. This is my biggest complaint and I am really wishing it away! Yesterday evening I did have a couple of hours where the inside house lights weren't bothering me too much. For the first time I was able to go into the bathroom and put drops in with the light dimmer at medium level (thank you hubby for a house full of dimming lights!) I really enjoyed the freedom of pain and not wearing sun glasses. I went from wearing eye glasses to sun glasses. Seems silly if you ask me.

I didn't dare venture out today. We had a little snow and it's bright outside even with cloudiness. I am happy it's the weekend so I don't feel like I'm slacking too much by being indoors. I am hopeful to get to church on Sunday and get out for lunch with my boys.

Hoping for exercise this upcoming week! My body and mind are ready, I'm just not sure if my eyes can handle being in the gym. Hmmm Zumba with sun glasses could be a new trend... :)

Tonight we are having time together with games and a movie. I'm "looking"forward to it!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 7 - Post PRK

Last night my husband purchased a portable humidifier and I switched back to the preservative free re-wetting drops.  I woke up throughout the night with sticky, but moist, eyelids to which I generously doused with drops.  I had a much better time waking this morning.

My left eye is still improving and my right eye could be as well, but it's hard to tell because it's been the best eye so far.  I had a lot of trouble reading this morning since my left eye improved.  It was like my eyes were not on the same page (pun intended) and it was a visual war.  The light sensitivity continues to make me crazy, but today I managed to open the front blinds 3/4 of the way open and I decided that I was going to venture out to the local store for more drops and some good sunglasses.

Lucky for me it was cloudy or I wouldn't have made the choice to go out.  I could see everything great, read signs, etc. At first it wasn't so bad but as I continued to drive my poor eyes just wanted to clamp shut with the light.  I was thankful to make it to the store.  I went in and started trying on sunglasses.  Wow was the store bright!  This was frustrating because I couldn't really look high on the shelves for more options on the sunglasses.  It's slim pickings on good ones in January here in Michigan.

About 10 minutes into the eye fashion show I must have been displaying for who knows who, I got that familiar blurry wavy line in my right field of vision.  An optical migraine started, marring my right range of vision for about 15 minutes.  Just great.  Sigh.  After that passed, I went through the store and got a few things we needed for home.  I really wanted some normalcy back and my poor husband has been running somewhere every day for me.  Poor guy.

Once my eyes calm down, I check out and head to one last store to try to find some good UV/Polarized lenses.  That wasn't happening.  I did manage to get myself some nice Valentine's Day towels for my kitchen and some coconut water.  I wonder if my sunglasses/hood over my head disguise worked in the eatery at Target while I enjoyed some Pizza Hut bread sticks... lol

I make it home, my eyes are so very sore and tired.  Who would have thought this would be so tiring?  My kids get home from school and I then rest my eyes, take two Tylenol, then fall asleep.  This seems to be a daily occurrence.  I wake up around an hour later and my eyes are a little dry, but the light still doesn't bother me as much.  I feel pretty good actually.

Computer work is difficult.  I have to check my email in rounds because the screen is so uncomfortable with black text on a white background.  I am one eying this blog and typing as fast as I can so I can get away from my screen.  It's rough.

I'm still taking antibiotic drops and my steroid 4 times a day.  I will take both until they are gone (the antibiotic is almost done).  I'm doubled up on my Vitamin C and make sure I take my multivitamin every day.  I've increased my water intake as well.

I was given the go to wear eye make-up a week later, which is today.  I'm not bothering.  I can also resume exercise as of today but I don't think I'm ready.  My eyes are still pretty sensitive and I would hate to try to do Zumba with my eyes half open.

I think if it weren't for the light sensitivity, I'd be feeling pretty good.  I'm hoping that tolerating some light today was a start of it getting better.  I've always had a light sensitivity so I'm sure that doesn't help.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 6 - Post PRK

I am thankful for my husband's iPad today since it's much easier on my eyes.

I had a bad morning. Last night I decided to use Refesh P.M. Eye lubricating ointment (with the okay from my eye doctor) to help with night time moisture. My eyes don't fully close while sleeping so I thought this would help. I woke up with really cloudy sticky vision and I could barely keep my eyes open. This was so frustrating! I had to have my neighbor take my son to the bus top because I couldn't handle going outside even before the sun was fully up.

I did several wetting drops, gently wiped my eyes, and then went back to bed for 2 hours. It was a little less cloudy when waking up. I wet the eyes more, made some breakfast, took my vitamins and Advil then did my round of drops.

I am seeing better (less cloudy) and won't be using the Refesh pm until the severe dryness is gone. I also went back to the preservative free drops because I read that preservative drops can actually make dryness worse. Interesting because the severe dryness didnt start until i switched off of those (could also be cooincidental). My left eye has definitely shown improvement today distance wise. And when I was in the kitchen I had noticed how clear the speckles on the stove top were.

I feel a little dizzy and shaky today. Could be blood pressure from coffee and Advil. I'll update more this evening.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 5 - Post PRK


Last night I tried knocking myself out with a good dose of Benadryl to help me sleep and take away the itchy eye feeling.  I think I managed a good 3 hour span to which I woke up with sticky eyes and had to play target practice to get the drops into my eyes somehow.  I woke up I think four times to re-wet my eyes hopefully to help me for today.

I wake up with a slight headache and my neck is sore.  I've been practicing doing the drop into my lower lid method for dispensing drops and now that I can see my eyes better I think I can do that.  I am switching to Advil today for eyestrain pain and tossing the Tylenol to the side because it's not helping.

My right eye seems the same and I think my left could be better.  Both are definitely better after re-wetting drops and I have about 10 seconds of "wow....!" until it gets blurry again.  It's like a carrot leading a horse and that's helping me stay optimistic.  I am using drops several times an hour.  Lucky for me my sister works for an eye doctor and I'm going to get some drop suggestions sometime today.  I feel the grittiness still, but mostly when my eyes are really dry.  My left eye is the worse and I'm assuming because it had more work done on it.

I'm stuck in the house.  It's yet another beautiful day here in Michigan and while I was able to venture out yesterday, I cannot today.  It's just too bright!  I had thought about doing a test drive to the grocery store to get a gallon of milk but I'll have to have a neighbor grab me some or ask hubby to do so on the way home.  He's been wonderful through this whole  process.  I'm lucky to have him.


My eyes are so terribly dry and I can barely keep them open.  I tried napping for an hour to help keep some moisture in and that seemed to make them even dryer.  My husband went and bought me some Sustane Ultra drops along with some Refesh PM ointment gel that I plan on using at bedtime.  I think the drops are a little smoother but I'm finding that I still need to use them just as often (like every 10-15 minutes).  I cannot function by the end of the day and the strain my eyes feel along with my sinus overload is almost unbearable.   It wouldn't be so bad if the dryness would let up.

I am miserable.

I am praying that this gets better very fast.  I can't do this day after day.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 4 - Post PRK


This morning my eyes feel pretty good.  (I do have a sore neck however from leaning back to do drops..I tried the lower lid method but I run the risk of my long lashes touching the dropper).  I can see better though my left eye today than yesterday and my right bandage lens is cloudy.  I am hopeful to get these taken out this morning at my post-op appointment at 11am.  I'm finding that the aspirin drops are burning quite a bit when I'm using them.  I'm sure it's due to my eyes being dry.  I'm going to ask about this when I go in today.  If it benefits me to use them, I'll continue to feel my eyes singe for 15 seconds and do the little tribal dance during.

I can read text as long as the lighting is good.  My computer monitor is really bright so I turned that down a little bit.  It helps but black text on a white background makes me squint and strains my eyes.  Checking email is very difficult to do.  I wonder if there will be any difference when those bandages come off? (Can you tell that I want them off??)

I finally had a normal morning.  Hit snooze on my alarm a couple of times, made a cup of coffee and was able to tinker on my computer. I will update after my post-op with more information on how my vision has improved, etc.


3pm after Post Op appointment

Doctor says that my eyes are healing fine.  I'm to stop taking aspirin drops, finish my antibiotic drops and finish out my steroid drops.  He sees me again in a month.  The contact lens bandages were removed with my left one being a little sticky..ouch.  My vision is 20/70 in my left eye, and 20/40 in my right eye.  I'm able to drive if I want.  I was hoping for better results sooner, however the doctor says it'll get better with time.  Patience is tough with this surgery (which I don't have a lot of since the surgery).

My left eye feels a little gritty still, not as bad as it did with the lens in.  It reminds me of when I would get a contact lens infection and I'd get that feeling.  I'm truly hoping to wake up with better vision each day.


My eyes are really bothering me now and so is my head.  The computer screen bothers me.  I took a little nap to help alleviate the gritty tired feeling but I only feel crimmier.  I am hoping that tomorrow I've healed more and the discomfort is better.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 3 - Post PRK

I wake up today with dry eyes.  Not too bad but the contact lens bandage is getting really annoying.  I was told that I would get these taken off tomorrow at my post-op.  It took some time to focus this morning.  Everything seemed wavy and my computer screen seemed like it was in 3D.  My right eye is doing really well, seeing pretty good far distance wise and it's my reading eye (and also the one letting me type!).  My left eye not so much, it's pretty blurry for distance and reading.  I feel like I'm wearing my old toric lenses and they are smudged with makeup.  My right eye is clearly the head honcho today.

My head still hurts, but only a little.  I have done my rounds of drops for this part of the day.  My neck is really sore from leaning back from the drops.  I might just lay down on the couch to do these.

I have a little bit of swelling of my eyelids but not too bad.  My eyes are only a little bit red.

As the day has gone on, my left eye is really bothering me.  It's pretty blurry and the contact lens is making it very difficult to do much of anything.  Poke...poke...poke...constantly! My eyes are feeling pretty tired, especially my right one due to all the work it's had to do today.  I haven't slept since this morning.  I really was tired of sleeping. Pun intended...

Two Tylenol down the hatch for good measure and another two before bed time.  Tomorrow is my follow up appointment and hopefully the contact bandages will come off and we'll check my vision.  So far my right eye is still doing very well and I hope it stays that way and doesn't revert for a day or so.  I'm thankful at least one is doing enough for me to function.

Day 2 - Post PRK

I wake up feeling pretty crummy but not near as crummy as the previous day.  My eyes are tired, super sticky and dry.  I find out later in the day that I'm using the wrong re-wetting drops.  Where the brand I was using is the same as the vial type, they didn't say preservative free so I had to switch.  Only risk with that the preservative kind can leave deposits on your cornea that do go away, but can be a nuisance.  So if you're looking to save money by buying the economy size drops that aren't vials, think the won't have to use them forever, only until your cornea heals.

I find that sometimes my vision is better long distance, like super crisp on the TV in my bedroom that I couldn't even see with my latest prescription.  This makes me feel hopeful of what's to come.  I do know that things will get blurry then better then blurry, etc.  Kind of like a two steps forward, one step back.  My eyes are really sensitive to the light today.    I still have a hard time reading but it's a little better than the previous day. 

My head still hurts (not as much) and I'm taking liquid Tylenol around the clock just to be safe.  I manage to eat a little bit more and get plenty of fluids down.  I don't see a visit to the ER anytime soon.

I spend the entire day in bed.  Only managing to shower and welcome visitors who brought food in the evening.  I am getting a little antsy.  I made myself a decaff coffee and started feeling better than I had in a couple of days.

I knock myself out with Nyquil since it had the liquid Tylenol in it too.  I wake up throughout the night and do my drops.  Sometimes my head hurts, sometimes it doesn't.  I think it's all moving to the better now.

Day 1 - Post PRK

I wake up around 3:30am (I can see my clock!) with a horrible headache.  It reminded me of the sneaky migraines I'd get occasionally.  I tried shaking it off and go back to sleep.  I wake up at 6:30am and it's twice as bad.  I decide to get up and try to get another 1/2 Vicodin in me along with some liquid anti-nausea medicine. I do all of my drops.  I somehow stomach that and go back to sleep.

I wake up at 10am feeling even more sick to my stomach.  I take more anti-nausea medicine, do more drops, eat a banana, and go back to sleep.

10:30 am, I wake up vomiting.  Not cool at all.  I sip some vitamin water, drink more anti-nausea meds, and do more drops. 

11:30 am I get up and make some oatmeal to take another 1/2 Vicodin.  I can't handle the headache anymore.  I do my full round of drops and climb back into bed.

12:00 (I can still see the clock!) everything comes up and I'm really feeling bad at this point.  I end up calling my husband to come home from work.

I proceeded to be sick for the rest of the afternoon.  By evening my husband was worried that I had become dehydrated.  He decided it was best that I start sipping gatoraid and liquid Tylenol.  This eventually worked.  By the end of the night, I drank 1/3 of the gatoraid, stomached the Tylenol, and ate a little bit of food.

I do not know if my headache was a result of the surgery, an illness, day in my cycle, or from stress.  What I do know is that having a sensitivity to codeine made it worse.  Be prepared for a headache just in case!

By now I can see some distance but cannot read anything.  This was definitely frustrating because I was getting a flood of texts and couldn't answer them.  Sometimes the light from the TV hurt my eyes sometimes it didn't.  I have an eye mask made for migraines that has an ice pack that you insert it.  This truly helped me.

I decided to go to bed without taking the prescribed Ambien so I could wake up for re-wetting drops and to intake some liquids.

Day of Surgery

My appointment was at 2pm and we were to arrive at 1:15pm to get ready for surgery.  They were running a little behind so I didn't get back there until 1:40.  I was given a series of drops.  Anti-bacterial, a steroid, and three rounds of numbing drops.  I was also given Valium to help me relax for the procedure.

When it was my turn to go back, I took off my glasses and laid down on a chair that was similar to a dentist's chair.  After laying down, I was told to close my eyes.  They put a soft patch on my right eye and a large machine over my left eye.  When opening drops were put into my eyes and the doctor taped my left upper eye lashes open, and used a metal clamp to hold open my eye (this was super uncomfortable!)  He then started moving a spatula like thing along my eye...and not for a few seconds but this went on for over a minute.  This somewhat made me very dizzy and faint and I had to speak up and say so.  He thought maybe it was from the Valium and I told him I felt severe motion sickness from him moving my eye so much.  They added more liquid to help soften the epithelium.  After that part was done, I was told to keep staring at the laser and it began to click.  I did smell a strange burning like smell but that didn't bother me.  I knew that my eye was close to being done at this point.  A male nurse counted back from 30 seconds while the laser was going.  When that was done, a sponge like material was put along my eye while another nurse counted up.  My eye was then irrigated with a saline like solution and a clear contact lens bandage was put on.

When moving over to my right eye, the same soft patch was put over my left eye and the doctor told me that my right eye would go much faster than my left.  He explained that my left eye had a lot of scar tissue on it from previous eye infections and he was having trouble removing the cells. (This explains why I couldn't find a good contact lens fit!)  When my right eye started it was 15 seconds of the scraping/cell removal, another 30 for the laser and maybe 20 for the sponging and irrigation.

I was a little dizzy when I sat up but I could see the clock on the wall along with faces, and some fine detail.  It was definitely still blurry though.  My husband and I sat down with the doctor afterwards, he said how things went, and we tried getting an alternative for Vicodin.  No luck really, most pain killers don't agree with me.

The nurse then handed us a handful of scripts and instructions (please follow these carefully!!) and away we went.  Be sure to ask for samples, explain what kind of prescription coverage you may or may not have, or what they can prescribe for you that's a cheaper alternative.  My antibiotic drops were $55 alone.  We spent around $100 on scripts that evening.  After spending as much as I did for my surgery, you'd think they would provide these prescriptions but what do I know?

I put on my sunglasses and at first the light didn't bother me.  It wasn't until we were starting the ride home that the light was almost unbearable.  I kept my glasses on, closed my eyes, and proceeded to feel carsick all the way home.

I get home and get right into bed. My husband then goes and fills all of my prescriptions which I take as soon as we get them.  I decided to take 1/2 of the 500mg Vicodin because my left eye was burning.  I figured it would be hurting so much more later since it was supposed to still be numb.  I wanted to hit the pain before it hit me.


My name is Serena and I'm 36 years old.

I've been contemplating LASIK surgery for many years now, and a few times I was told I wasn't a good candidate.  As technology improved, eventually I became a candidate but was too afraid to take that big step.  My husband had LASIK done 6 years ago, with successful results.

I've worn glasses for 27 years, and contact lenses for 19 of those years.  Due to severe dry eyes, I was no longer able to wear contact lenses and glasses became a hassle in my life in so many ways.  I was always getting contact lens infections, could never find a good fit for my left eye, and tired of having to keep track of how long I wore them and spotty vision.  I decided to start going out and getting consultations.  I was to spend $500 on new glasses and a year's worth of contact lenses, or take that money and apply to to LASIK surgery.

After a few consultations, it was determined by all places that I wasn't a good candidate for LASIK, but for LASEK or PRK (the older form).  I somewhat understood what the surgery entailed and was determined to educate myself on the entire process.  I highly recommend this.