Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 18


Had my appointment this morning and sure enough I have inflammation and needed a good round of steroids. I'm taking every pred forte every 2 hours for today, every 4 hours tomorrow, and then twice a day for a week. No signs of infection and my eyes are healing very well.

Throughout the day the sensitivity has gotten better and better. I did have sensitivity after Zumba tonight and that could be from eye sweat or the fans that are constantly running. By the time I got in the house I felt pretty good tonight.

Also I tested at 20/40 for my vision. I think it could have been better had they not been inflamed and half open lol. Anyhow, as the day has gone on my vision has sharpened a lot. It's still doubled in the right eye but much better. I also switched my drops to Systane Uktra in the vials. Those are a little more soothing than the Refresh Plus for Sensitive eyes. My reading seems better but mostly because things are crisper probably due to the steroids. My right eye has improved distance wise and my left seems the same.

I'm very hopeful that things are going to get better. The doctor that I saw today told me to come back in if I was still having sensitivity.

I can watch tv now and looking at screens aren't making me wince. I am really curious to what the morning is going to be like. Pretty awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Serena! Do you think Zumba/sweating slowed down your PRK recovery? I'm a Zumba instructor and debating whether 2 weeks off post-PRK is sufficient. Thanks!
