Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 15 - Post PRK

Today was the same old hiding in my house day. My reading ability is getting worse and I get pain in my eyes from eyestrain rather quickly now. I cannot watch tv, but I can listen to it at least as well to music. I cannot tolerate my computer whatsoever. My husband announced I had over 400 emails to be filtered through. I made it through 10 from standing up and looking downward but it just wasn't working. My phone is more difficult today to read without squinting. I am now having to wear sunglasses to type on the iPad with the brightness at the lowest setting. Thank goodness I don't have a job that I need to go to, even though my husband has to keep taking time from his business to do my home/parental tasks. My son came home in tears today saying he felt sick at school. I asked him why didn't he call and he said, Well you coukdnt drive to come get me! little does he realize we have emergency people for that and that he has a dad. Sigh. This recovery is really something else.

I called my doctor's office to see what they could do for me and they asked me to come in on Monday morning....sigh. I am not sure how I can go another two days of this. At least it is the weekend and my family is home. I will try to be good company for them. I am in tears daily full of frustration. We do have some snow coming so I'm sure my boys will get outside and enjoy it. :) they still need to be kids and get vitamin D. I'm feeling like a vampire..

My eyes are super dry and gritty feeling today. They seem itchy too and I don't know if it's from changing my drops or from the dryness. I could deal with that as long as this light sensitivity wasnt an issue.

I will never take eyesight for granted ever again. I'm going to have a nice glass of my favorite wine....or the entire bottle..ha!

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