Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 4 - Post PRK


This morning my eyes feel pretty good.  (I do have a sore neck however from leaning back to do drops..I tried the lower lid method but I run the risk of my long lashes touching the dropper).  I can see better though my left eye today than yesterday and my right bandage lens is cloudy.  I am hopeful to get these taken out this morning at my post-op appointment at 11am.  I'm finding that the aspirin drops are burning quite a bit when I'm using them.  I'm sure it's due to my eyes being dry.  I'm going to ask about this when I go in today.  If it benefits me to use them, I'll continue to feel my eyes singe for 15 seconds and do the little tribal dance during.

I can read text as long as the lighting is good.  My computer monitor is really bright so I turned that down a little bit.  It helps but black text on a white background makes me squint and strains my eyes.  Checking email is very difficult to do.  I wonder if there will be any difference when those bandages come off? (Can you tell that I want them off??)

I finally had a normal morning.  Hit snooze on my alarm a couple of times, made a cup of coffee and was able to tinker on my computer. I will update after my post-op with more information on how my vision has improved, etc.


3pm after Post Op appointment

Doctor says that my eyes are healing fine.  I'm to stop taking aspirin drops, finish my antibiotic drops and finish out my steroid drops.  He sees me again in a month.  The contact lens bandages were removed with my left one being a little sticky..ouch.  My vision is 20/70 in my left eye, and 20/40 in my right eye.  I'm able to drive if I want.  I was hoping for better results sooner, however the doctor says it'll get better with time.  Patience is tough with this surgery (which I don't have a lot of since the surgery).

My left eye feels a little gritty still, not as bad as it did with the lens in.  It reminds me of when I would get a contact lens infection and I'd get that feeling.  I'm truly hoping to wake up with better vision each day.


My eyes are really bothering me now and so is my head.  The computer screen bothers me.  I took a little nap to help alleviate the gritty tired feeling but I only feel crimmier.  I am hoping that tomorrow I've healed more and the discomfort is better.


  1. Did u mean 20/70 in right eye and 20/40 in left eye?

  2. No I meant 20/70 in left and 20/40 in the right lol I'll correct that thanks!

  3. Prk day 1 and 2 were the worse for me day 3 was better day 4 is alot better rest and closing your eyes for alot of hours actually does alot of help
