Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 3 - Post PRK

I wake up today with dry eyes.  Not too bad but the contact lens bandage is getting really annoying.  I was told that I would get these taken off tomorrow at my post-op.  It took some time to focus this morning.  Everything seemed wavy and my computer screen seemed like it was in 3D.  My right eye is doing really well, seeing pretty good far distance wise and it's my reading eye (and also the one letting me type!).  My left eye not so much, it's pretty blurry for distance and reading.  I feel like I'm wearing my old toric lenses and they are smudged with makeup.  My right eye is clearly the head honcho today.

My head still hurts, but only a little.  I have done my rounds of drops for this part of the day.  My neck is really sore from leaning back from the drops.  I might just lay down on the couch to do these.

I have a little bit of swelling of my eyelids but not too bad.  My eyes are only a little bit red.

As the day has gone on, my left eye is really bothering me.  It's pretty blurry and the contact lens is making it very difficult to do much of anything.  Poke...poke...poke...constantly! My eyes are feeling pretty tired, especially my right one due to all the work it's had to do today.  I haven't slept since this morning.  I really was tired of sleeping. Pun intended...

Two Tylenol down the hatch for good measure and another two before bed time.  Tomorrow is my follow up appointment and hopefully the contact bandages will come off and we'll check my vision.  So far my right eye is still doing very well and I hope it stays that way and doesn't revert for a day or so.  I'm thankful at least one is doing enough for me to function.

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