Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 2 - Post PRK

I wake up feeling pretty crummy but not near as crummy as the previous day.  My eyes are tired, super sticky and dry.  I find out later in the day that I'm using the wrong re-wetting drops.  Where the brand I was using is the same as the vial type, they didn't say preservative free so I had to switch.  Only risk with that the preservative kind can leave deposits on your cornea that do go away, but can be a nuisance.  So if you're looking to save money by buying the economy size drops that aren't vials, think the won't have to use them forever, only until your cornea heals.

I find that sometimes my vision is better long distance, like super crisp on the TV in my bedroom that I couldn't even see with my latest prescription.  This makes me feel hopeful of what's to come.  I do know that things will get blurry then better then blurry, etc.  Kind of like a two steps forward, one step back.  My eyes are really sensitive to the light today.    I still have a hard time reading but it's a little better than the previous day. 

My head still hurts (not as much) and I'm taking liquid Tylenol around the clock just to be safe.  I manage to eat a little bit more and get plenty of fluids down.  I don't see a visit to the ER anytime soon.

I spend the entire day in bed.  Only managing to shower and welcome visitors who brought food in the evening.  I am getting a little antsy.  I made myself a decaff coffee and started feeling better than I had in a couple of days.

I knock myself out with Nyquil since it had the liquid Tylenol in it too.  I wake up throughout the night and do my drops.  Sometimes my head hurts, sometimes it doesn't.  I think it's all moving to the better now.

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