Monday, February 13, 2012

Week 6

Okay so I'm in my 6th week now of recovery and my vision is a roller coaster.  I am finding that my right eye is definitely clearing up a bit but the ghosting double vision remains making things far away blurry.
This is what normal vision looks like:
And this is what my vision looks like and has looked like since day one:
 The problem with the ghosting is that I see it in multiple areas giving me sometimes triple vision.  It's frustrating but somehow I'm functioning with it. 

I saw my surgeon on Thursday and he is concerned with the slow progress of my right eye along with the astigmatism.  The lady tech (who I do not care for her bedside manner much) said that my ghosting was due to dry eye.  The surgeon also is putting me on a pressure drop and told me that it's to promote healing.  I called back and this was not the case. (I am starting this drop tomorrow morning since it wasn't available at the pharmacy...I wonder how much this one is going to cost?)  It was more for eye pressure control since I'm staying on the steroids for 3 more months.  If things do not get better, he said I would probably need eye plugs and he would need to bill my insurance.  I guess he doesn't care to ask if I have a deductible and no idea that his "plug" plan is going to come out of my pocket.  If that doesn't help I may need a touch up he said.  I don't think I want to go through this again.  Maybe in my right eye.  I need one good eye to function.  This surgery is getting costly in many ways.

Other than those set backs, I'm seeing 20/20 in my left eye and 20/30 in my right eye with both improving from last week.  It's a squinty 20/25 but I'm definitely seeing a visual improvement.  

Driving is interesting. I can do local driving since I know the road laws, where streets are etc.  I have not driven very much at night and try not to since my depth perception is a bit off and it's hard to see well with my brights off.  Oncoming headlights aren't too difficult to deal with and it seems like the star bursting varies day to day.  Halos are still there in both eyes.  

I am able to read my Kindle, watch TV, use my PC like I was able to before surgery (with the TV and PC being more due to the light sensitivity).  I haven't been able to read my cellphone very well though for several days now and instead of straining and squinting, I do the best I can.  (I guess if people want to get a hold of me they will make a good old fashioned phone call right? :) )I don't get eye strain very much but I do have to remind myself to blink and I add drops in my eyes every 30 minutes or so now.  I can go an hour or so longer without noticing dryness but I try not going any longer.  If I wake up in the middle of the night, I do put drops in.  I can tell my eyes are dry, but they aren't painfully dry.

So all in all, I'm functioning a lot better and able to do things independently.  :)  It can get frustrating however when people seemed so shocked that my eyes aren't better or that my recovery is rough.  I try explaining to them that I had LASEK (simillar to PRK) and not LASIK.  They are two different surgeries to achieve the same result. And then I get, "Well why didn't you go for the easier recovery?" Etc., So now if anyone asks how my eyes are doing, I smile and say pretty good thanks!  I'm tired of explaining it lol.  Knowledge is power, and it makes me bananas when someone thinks that they know so much about something because their friend had it done, or they had it done and were just fine.  Bozos... LOL

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